标题:超任音乐格式 SNSF 发布
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发表于 2009-10-26 11:46 资料 主页短消息  加为好友 
超任音乐格式 SNSF 发布

www.zophar.net 得悉,类似于 PSF 格式的超任音乐文件格式“SNSF”及其播放插件已开始逐步释出。

SNSF 格式相对于 SPC 格式最大的进步就是初步支持诸如幻想传说、星海传说等的人语歌声部分的还原播放。

用 foobar2000 加载插件试听了一下幻想传说的片首曲,和实际游戏中的效果无异。

in_snsf, snsf9x, and SNSF Player

A whole batch of SNSF players have been added to our archive. For those who are unsure of what SNSF is, it's a PSF-style music rip, but for SNES games. You may ask why this is needed. A lot of games work fine with SPC dumps, sure, but some (such as Tales of Phantasia) have a song or two that don't really work properly that way (then there are examples like the Lord of the Rings SNES game that don't work at all). SNSF remedies this as it rips the actual game code and instruments like a PSF does rather than just being a dump of the sound chip's RAM. At any rate, the players added are as follows:

in_SNSF - A Winamp plug-in based on Snes9x.

snsf9x - A newer plug-in that has versions for Foobar, KB Media Player, and Winamp. There is a version that supports unicode tags as well.

SNSF Player - A standalone SNSF player based on Snes9x v1.51. It's essentially a version of Snes9x that is also capable of loading SNSF (and miniSNSF) files. It's Windows only, but the source is available for anyone who wishes to see it.

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发表于 2009-10-26 11:51 资料 短消息  加为好友 

Rank: 2Rank: 2

UID 11546
精华 0
积分 88
帖子 68
狼毛 40 根
阅读权限 10
注册 2006-1-27
状态 离线
发表于 2009-10-26 12:12 资料 主页短消息  加为好友 

原帖由 Sonny 于 2009-10-26 11:51 发表


[ 本帖最后由 warrenjia 于 2009-10-26 12:28 编辑 ]


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