Originally posted by qwerty11 at 09:27 AM:
我现在正在SIEMENS SX1手机上用vSun模拟器玩英文版的 Earthbound, 其实这游戏的英文还不难,只是有个别单词较怪异. 至于中文攻略,我找到一篇, 虽然不够详细, 但文笔也还不错:
[url]http://www ...
Objective #12: Get the invisible man in your party.
Moonside. The town where "yes" means "no" and "no" means "yes." Go out of the cafe and talk to the people around. One will teleport you. Talk to the man by the building below you and you will find out that you need to find a man with a unibrow and a gold tooth. Go up and talk to the man who will teleport you to the hospital. Then talk to the man outside the hospital. Keep talking to the men nearest where you appear from. Eventually you'll wind up in a room. Talk to the man you can see. Then talk to the shadow. Talk to the man you can see again. You'll be in the inn now, with the invisible man in your party with you.