标题:[推荐]Sandi Thom - I wish I was a punk rocker
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发表于 2006-9-23 15:44 资料 主页短消息  加为好友 添加 方刚 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 方刚 交谈QQYahoo!
[推荐]Sandi Thom - I wish I was a punk rocker


sandi thom-i wish i was a punk rocker

oh i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
in 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
i was born too late and to a world that doesn't care
oh i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

when the head of state didn't play guitar,
not everybody drove a car,
when music really mattered and when radio was king,
when accountants didn't have control
and the media couldn't buy your soul
and computers were still scary and we didn?t know everything


when popstars still remained a myth
and ignorance could still be bliss
and when god saved the queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
when my mom and dad were in their teens
and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail


when record shops were on top
and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super info highway was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs,
and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face


i was born too late to a world that doesn't care
oh i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 1682
精华 3
积分 585
帖子 103
狼毛 0 根
阅读权限 20
注册 2004-8-14
状态 离线
发表于 2006-9-23 16:17 资料 短消息  加为好友 
可惜背景音乐不够浓厚 收了 哈哈 老虎的口味怪异啊 哈哈哈

桀骜之狼 (自由战士)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

UID 2150
精华 19
积分 199081
帖子 3051
狼毛 907 根
阅读权限 110
注册 2004-11-14
来自 东胜神洲傲来国
状态 离线
发表于 2006-9-23 16:17 资料 短消息  加为好友 


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