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UID 18
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注册 2004-5-12
来自 Shanghai
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发表于 2009-8-29 09:53 资料 短消息  加为好友 

Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8Rank: 8
科学家转职工程师中…… ... ... ...

UID 11483
精华 4
积分 19798
帖子 2272
狼毛 617 根
阅读权限 100
注册 2006-1-25
来自 狼窝回顾
状态 离线
发表于 2009-8-29 10:48 资料 主页短消息  加为好友 QQYahoo!
Emulation notes:

Unfortunately, no emulator does Policenauts with 100% accuracy. In fact, as of version 1.13, there is content in Poliecnauts that pSX absolutely cannot reach. To that end, while playing on hardware is the best issue-free way to play it (we have confirmed it works on PS1, PS2, and PSP), for emulation we recommend:

ePSXe 1.7 with either the e}i{ Video Plugin or the P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU Plugin 1.17. Emulation issues you will encounter:

- When the game prompts you to switch to Disc 2, doing so will crash the game soon after. There is a save prompt at the end of Disc 1 - you can use this to save your game. When you load that saved game on Disc 2, you can continue normally. You will miss absolutely no content.

- The end credits/staff roll is done very strangely, and has the following side effect: it hard crashes all versions of pSX. With ePSXe and the P.E.Op.S plugin, they won’t scroll correctly, but they will display. The e}i{ plugin will display them normally. All content before and after functions normally otherwise. Please also note this was an emulator issue that occurred in the original and is not a function of the patch.

So, enjoy!



ePSXe 1.7 使用视频插 P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU Plugin 1.17将会遇到以下问题:
2.在游戏结尾出现credits/staff (游戏制作人名单)时会出现死机(crash),不过这应该是模拟器对原版游戏不支持,不是补丁的问题.


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